2019 NAPA Reference Guide

For questions or more information please contact your local NAPA Filters District Manager or call Product Information at 1.800.949.6698 1$3$ 3UH &OHDQHUV H[WHQG WKH OLIH RI \RXU SULPDU\ ¿OWHU by capturing and removing both moisture and large solid FRQWDPLQDWHV 7KH LQOHW ¿QV RI WKH 3UH &OHDQHU IRUFH incominmg air into a spinning cyclonic motion. This increased air velocity forces heavier than air contaminates in an outward direction where they are expelled from the Pre- Cleaner through a vented opening. The purged air is then IRUFHG RQ WR WKH SULPDU\ DLU ¿OWHU • Aids in the removal of moisture and solid contaminants • ([WHQGV WKH OLIH RI SULPDU\ ¿OWHU • ,PSURYHV V\WHP HI¿FLHQF\ • Reduces overall operational cost • Separates up to 85% of incoming contaminates • Durable rust resistant design • Maintenance free • Easy installation • Self emptying • No power required • 1$3$ LV HI¿FLHQW # 0LFURQ RU larger PreCleaners FEATURES: BENEFITS: The robust, non-corroding design of NAPA Pre-Cleaners make them tolerant to all weather condiitons and suitable for use on both on-road and off-road applications. 976